We actually went out yesterday . lessons learned .do not leave home .dingoes dont like it when you go out .
Pindan walks his crate all around the house . got hold of 2 of warrens work jackets and absolutely tore them to shreds .
But wait he got out of crate . he then ran rampant around the house .he tipped over the bucket full of water and then dragged the mop around . flowers that were given to me . oh yeah dingoes like flowers .the good thing is he didnt turn the stove on .
There is more . jedda tore up the doona in the bedroom . old girl had ran amok in the lounge room .
we took wee Nowra with us . she had a good time met new folk and now has an aunty and uncle .she slept all the way home . but then those confounded nocturnal genes kicked in and she wanted to play all night . all quiet on the home front today .